Development of lexical deployment as a result of a short-term study abroad experience in Costa Rica

Development of lexical deployment as a result of a short-term study abroad experience in Costa Rica


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The importance of vocabulary knowledge in second language (L2) learning cannotbe understated. For many decades, there has been an agreement among vocabu-lary researchers that lexical knowledge is something learners cannot go without(Milton 2009). As an example, Wilkins (1972: 111) stated that“without grammarvery little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”. Fur-thermore, it seems that vocabulary can be a strong predictor of proficiency anddevelopment of other aspects of language such as reading (Grabe 2009). Overall,it seems that having a certain control over the L2 lexicon can aid students to havea better command of the L2.Different studies have come upon various suggestions as to what can help L2learners enhance their vocabulary knowledge, and it seems that many acknowl-edge that what fosters vocabulary learning is having opportunities to use the L2in different contexts, with different interlocutors and for different purposes (Fos-ter 2009). That is, being able to use their L2 in a place other than their formalclassroom. Accordingly, it seems that learning context is key when learning an L2(Collentine 2009), and it could have a great impact on L2 vocabulary development(Zaytseva, Pérez-Vidal and Miralpeix 2018). Consistent with this belief, Llanes andMuñoz (2013) established that context is decisive when learning an L2 given thatit will determine factors like the quantity and quality of the input students re-ceive, the opportunities they will have to practice the language, and the type offormal instruction, among others.



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De Gruyter Mouton




Borràs, J., Llanes, À. & Prieto Botana, G. (2023). Chapter 6 Development of lexical deployment as a result of a short-term study abroad experience in Costa Rica. In I. Checa-García & L. Marqués-Pascual (Ed.), Current Perspectives in Spanish Lexical Development (pp. 137-160). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Development of lexical deployment as a result of a short-term study abroad experience in Costa Rica
