Validation Process of the Taxonomy of Functional Animation in User Interface Design: Results of an Expert Survey

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The International Journal of Visual Design


The use of animation in the visual design of an interface has been reported as a potential cause of usability problems. Experts recommend using animation sparingly, and applying it only when it serves a well-defined purpose. Establishing the functions that animation can play to improve usability and user experience is the first step in preventing gratuitous and unwarranted use of animation. In this article, we present the results of a survey conducted with a group of experts as part of the validation process for a taxonomy of functional animation. We focus on functional animation as any visual change intentionally included in the visual design of an interface, excluding animated content that can be accessed or displayed through an application. The current trend in interaction design is to give priority to mobile devices when designing the interface of an application. Therefore, our taxonomy has been developed taking into account the distinctive characteristics of interaction on touchscreen smartphone devices. After gathering expert contributions, the classification is configured around the following functions: identifying, structural, guidance, feedback, didactic, aesthetic, emotional, and security.



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